About Us

Arturo M. Ottolenghi - Founder
Red Hill Corporation is celebrating its 46TH Anniversary in 2024. We are blessed with over 60,000 customers.
Arturo Ottolenghi started his weekend business out of his garage in Cleveland, OH in 1978. He sold Supertack hot melt glue sticks for electric glue guns. In 1985, Arturo added Supergrit Abrasives (another consumable product) to the line and devoted full time to Red Hill. The business thrived and in 1995 Red Hill built a 22,000 sq ft Office, Store and warehouse in Gettysburg, PA.
Today we are distributors for leading abrasives companies such as Carborundum (USA), AES (USA), Clesco (USA), Eagle (Japan), Ferro (USA), Indasa (Portugal), Keystone (USA), Mirka (Finland), Merit (USA), Production (USA) St. Gobain (France & USA) and have access to many others such as 3M. We also buy 1st quality closeouts from leading USA manufactures.Think of us as your worldwide purchasing department. When you buy SUPERGRIT Abrasives, you know you are getting the best value.
Our goal is to offer solutions by bringing to market, products, which are needed, but difficult to find at a good price. We sell an adapter which allows you to connect the 5/8-11 threaded shank of your bench motor to any flap wheel or accessory with a 1/4" shank ($18.50 USA). We sell quality wool felt and convoluted polishing wheels at 1/2 the regular price. We sell miniature flap wheels mounted on 1/8" shanks. Contact us for refills for your Sand-O-Flex wheels.
Come visit our show room in historic Gettysburg, PA and spend a day on the Civil War's most famous battlefield. We are located 2 miles north of Lincoln Square on Route 34. You will find everything in this catalog and more.
Call us today at (800) 822-4003 or fax us at (717) 337-0732 and start saving.